Сабтҳои охирин
.. “Ҷиҳати рушди соҳаҳои илму маориф, тандурустӣ ва ҳифзи иҷтимоии аҳолӣ дар ин муддат аз ҳисоби ҳамаи сарчашмаҳои маблағгузории буҷети давлатӣ зиёда аз 97 миллиард сомонӣ равона гардид. Дар 30 соли истиқлолияти давлатӣ 3240 муассисаи нави таълимӣ барои 1 миллиону 400 ҳазор хонанда сохта, ба истифода дода шуд. Ҳоло шумораи умумии хонандагони муассисаҳои таҳсилоти миёнаи […]
The Islamic Renaissance Party: The End (FILM)
In summing up the results of 2018, a number of domestic and foreign experts called it the year of cessation of the existence of one of the most terrifying terrorist and extremist movements in the region – the Islamic Revival Party.
“EGYPT AND TAJIKISTAN IN COMBATING TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS”. The International Scientific and Research Conference on the activities of terrorist organizations of the Islamic renaissance party and Ikhwan al-Muslimin was held in Cairo
DUSHANBE, 03.08.2018. /NIAT “Khovar”/. The International Scientific and Research Conference on the activities of terrorist organizations of the Islamic renaissance party /IRP/* and Ikhwan al-Muslimin* was held on August 1 from 18.00 to 21.00 in the hall of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, located in Cairo, in the Maodi Quarter, on Courneishi Nile Street, in […]