DUSHANBE, 05.01.2019 (NIAT Khovar) –Traditionally, at the end of each year, the results of work done will be summarized, and thus conclusions will be drawn about wins and losses. Based on the results, the further process activities for the near and far future will be planed and focused. In connection with the political and ideological activities of the so-called “opposition” groups, their authority, position, and degree of influence in modern society, we had talk with Nazri Asadzoda, a leading research scientist at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, which we provide below to our readers.
– First, I would like to clarify the term “opposition”. The opposition does not only mean to opposite and criticize. Opposition refers to those healthy social forces that are involved in the development of the economic, social, and cultural spheres of society. Opposition reveals existing defects and deficiencies in projects and various socio-economic programs, proposing its projects to address them.
– Which groups can be called the opposition by your mind?
Some groups that have shown themselves such a force in European countries can never be called opposition, because they are members of the terrorist and extremist organization of the Islamic Renaissance Party (TEO IRP), which activity was banned by a decision of the Supreme Court of Tajikistan for committing grave and particularly grave crimes and for attempting coup d’état in September 2015. Now they are divided into small groups and try to show themselves as an opposition force and thus to find grants and cash benefits for their livelihoods. They want to bring to the stage that very same IRP in a different form and style, but their deception does not work and they constantly face defeats and disgrace.
– Could you explain this in detail?
– Look, they and their ideological patrons realized that with the former name of their terroristic organization they can no longer receive money and use it in their family businesses and anti-national acts. In addition, despite the fact that the renaissances (members of the TEO IRP) are a project and step-children of an obvious country, this did not serve them in European society. That is why, on the advice and “blessing” of their spiritual leaders, at the first stage, they formed small groups such as the Society of Free-thinking Tajiks, the Reform and Development Movement of Tajikistan, the Central Asian Migrants Movement in the European Union, each of whom consists of no more than 5 to 6 people.
Then they gathered and formed a certain “Alliance”, which sane minds instantly called the “Anti-National Alliance of Tajikistan”. Thus, they freed themselves from the label of “Renaissance” and wanted to hide the crimes committed by them and their henchmen against the people, but they failed. It was their first loss last year. Henceforth, each their taken effort suffered only defeats. In other words, those, who in Tajikistan attacked the supporters of the secular system till the brink of murder and robbery, repeatedly tried their best to show themselves as “secular” supporters to Europeans, but their dreams turned out to be empty.
– Could you comment more specifically on these defeats?
– Of course, there is no difficulty in understanding this matter. The head of the TEO IRP Muhiddin Kabiri thought that by changing his robe to a tie in Europe, he would get the opportunity for free activity of his terroristic organization, and be able to attract persons with an opposition character. However, on the one hand, his self-love, and on the other hand, those intrigues and tricks that the leaders of this party committed in the 90s, along with other parties and movements, did not allow such a vile deception to be realized.
They wanted to unite two or three small self-made groups and to sway the other Tajik citizens residing abroad, including representatives of the journalistic and intelligentsia circles. But no one fell into their trap. On the contrary, representatives of the above-mentioned groups, including well-known journalists Dodojon Atovulloev, Salomuddin Mirzorahmatov, philosopher Hafiz Boboyorov living in Europe and others, not only did not accept the invitation of renaissances-terrorists, but also boldly revealed their entire criminal and anti-national plans. Their “Alliance” since its creation faced with death. To some extent, the head of this terroristic organization himself had a hand in disclosing the true face of the renaissances. He revealed the fact that the organization is an adherent and a continuer of the Basmach movement that proved the hostility of organization to the nation, national values, science and education, knowledge and progress.
Their main defeat was during the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (September 2018, Warsaw). The renaissances wanted to show themselves as a political force supporting democracy, human freedom and rights and as an individuals who are persecuted for their political views and the like. However, the participation of the country’s representatives, especially one of the founders of the IRP Ayomiddin Sattorov, in the OSCE meeting destroyed all their plans.
Sattorov and other Tajik representatives openly and with irrefutable facts told about the crimes committed by the leaders and followers of the IRP in the previous years and in the period civil war, as well as after it. Of course, a lot of materials were published about this, but the real people made speeches from the tribune for the first time, and radically changed the vision of organizers and participants of the meeting regarding the so-called opposition. For most of them, the true faces of renaissances, their plans and goals, and their attitude to followers of other religions were revealed for the first time.
– What new arguments were voiced at the meeting, which will help to convince the participants and the Western world in general, that the IRP is really a terroristic organization?
– Ayomiddin Sattorov, who was one of the founders of the IRP, openly stated about the party’s relations since its creation with the special services of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). As I noted, a lot were wrote and talked earlier about this, but A. Sattorov spoke with irrefutable evidence not only about the patronage of the TEO IRP by a well-known country in the region, but also about a new stage of cooperation of this terroristic organization with the special service of this country, that is, after declaring it as a terroristic organization and banning its activities. The fact that the leaders and activists of the IRP since 2016 deceived young Tajiks into the Iran and embraced them with military training in special camps in Bamahan, Aroka, Pardis and Mozandaran. He revealed that he himself was responsible for the ideological education of these groups. Since he, as a direct participant, named the specific individuals of the TEO IRP, the mentioned special services and groups militants, the leaders of this terroristic organization their foreign patrons could not even do anything to deny this truth and were silent.
In addition, as we saw in the documentary television films “Bozgasht az Jahannam” (Return from Hell), “Asolatbokhta” (Lost the True Face), “Zarharidon” (Mercenaries), and also read in the periodical press, after the detention, a certain number of those who were trained in those training camps in 2015-2018 and were sent to Tajikistan to commit terrorist acts, including Kalandarov M.M, Saidaliev S.R, Saydalov A.D, Immatov M.A, Nazribekov P.T and others confirmed the above-mentioned arguments.
The continuation of the defeats of the IRP was the detention, judicial process and verdict of one of the founders of this terroristic organization – Said Kiyomiddini Ghozi. According to the documentary film “Rishtahoi noayon” (Invisible roots) and comments in the press, Ghozi named specific names, such as Takhmosb Hotami, Muhammadi Isfahoni, Wafo Sajjod, who cooperated with him. He, according to their instructions, led sabotage activity against Tajikistan. For example, in 1993-1997 years, he spread extremist ideas and opposition thoughts against the state of Tajikistan among Tajik refugees in Afghanistan, agitating them not to return to their homeland. For many years he has been engaged in the dissemination of ideas and teachings of Shi’ism among Tajik citizens, extremist and anti-Tajik ideas of the TEO IRP among Tajik migrants.
He named a certain number of the Tajik citizens from among the leaders and members of the TEO IRP, who acted under the leadership and guidance of a foreign state against national interests of Tajikistan in various regions of the country, including in Rasht, Khuroson, Vakhsh, Jaloliddini Balkhi, Hissor, Rudaki, Fayzobod and other areas. During the arrest of Ghozi, $ 100,000 were seized, which, according to him, were given to commit sabotage acts in Tajikistan.
– Did the runaway leaders of the TEO IRP make any conclusions for themselves from these disgraces? Will they ever stop their anti-national plans? What do you think of this?
– As the study of the antinational activity of the TEO IRP showed, after that the attempts of a terroristic organization to come to power legally failed, they necessarily resort to violence, to escalating the situation. For example, we take the 90s of the last century. They using the chaos developing after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the inexperience of the newly created Tajik state, sought to take power in their hands and to introduce the Islamic system, but the people of the country did not support them. They lost the elections and took up arms, which resulted in a civil war, killed 150 thousand people, and caused enormous economic damage to the republic.
For the second time, also after the defeat in the parliamentary elections, in September 2015, they tried to seize power by force, which killed dozens of citizens of the republic. Finally, with all their efforts in Europe, with the funding of spiritual patrons, the support of some so-called democratic and human rights organizations, which wanted to present them as victims of persecution, they were not recognized by the official bodies of these countries. Since the leaders of this terroristic organization had thus failed to achieve their goals, and had once again resorted to bloodshed.
This time their victims were foreign tourists. They carried out their inhuman and monstrous act under the cover of the black flag of their like-minded people from the terrorist organization “Islamic State” and hide their belonging to the TEO IRP. But they failed. The leader of the terrorists Abdusamadov Husein was detained and he disclosed all the secrets of his renaissance leaders. Well-known news agencies such as “Nastoyashee Vremya” (Current Time), “Ozodi” (Freedom), “Sadoi Amriko” (Voice of America) and others openly reported for the first time on the involvement of the TEO IRP in the murder of 4 foreign tourists. If the relationship of the leaders and members of the TEO IRP in committing grave crimes and heinous betrayals of previous years was known, now their role in committing a terrorist act in 2018 was revealed.
In my opinion, the renaissance terrorists are not going to abandon their anti-national activities. Rather, they will not be allowed, because they got too much and ate. They should compensate their debts by committing treason against the Tajik people.
– But will they answer for their anti-human and anti-national acts?
– In today’s conditions, regardless of the fact that the IRP is recognized as a terrorist and extremist organization, it penetrated in some international events, using their tribune to distort the reality of its commitment to terrorism and extremism, to spread fictional and provocative information regarding Tajikistan and to promote extremist ideology. But as I noted, this organization is not officially recognized by any official state body. The runaway leaders and active members of the TEO IRP are on the Interpol wanted list for committing grave crimes. The TEO IRP is also included in the list of terrorist and extremist organizations of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Regional Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Antiterrorist Center of the Commonwealth of Independent States. In this regard, over time, the responsibility of leaders and active members of this terroristic organization before the law is inevitable.
Thus, the 2018 can be called as the year of disgrace, failure and defeat of the IRP at the international arena, which I mentioned above. These theoretical and practical slips of runaway renaissances are expressed in primitive and delusional initiatives and actual eyewitnesses – participants of the events themselves repeatedly openly pointed out in 2018 the betrayal of mullah-terrorists to the nation. Indeed, you we at the behaviors and acts of these people who have lost their human appearance and remember the proverb “A leopard never changes its spots!”
– Thank you.